Stop and smell the roses. Research shows inhaling a fragrance you perceive as pleasant has a profoundly positive effect on your mood. Life can be hectic, but taking a moment to relax and breathe in goodness can improve your physical and mental well-being. Some of the most desirable scents include vanilla, orange/citrus, cinnamon/spice, crayons, and cookies. Since smells can trigger memories, it is no surprise that crayons and cookies made the list. fun facts about smell No two people smell things the same way. Each of us has scent “blind spots” — specific odors we cannot detect. A room air freshener may smell like cupcakes
…one paper plate at a time. Using paper plates during picnics or big gatherings is undoubtedly more convenient than washing and avoiding breakage of ceramic plates. However, it does raise the question: what is the environmental impact of using paper plates? Determining whether using paper plates is better for the environment than running a dishwasher load that consumes electricity and water is a difficult task. However, looking at the impact of manufacturing paper plates and the disposal of them gives clear answers. just the facts Pulp and paper is the third largest industrial polluter of air, water and soil. In the U.S., total industrial releases
…nature’s anxiety pill. The benefits of lavender are aplenty with the most notable being its ability to reduce stress and anxiety. It is nature’s prescription for insomnia, migraines, headaches, depression, nervous tension and emotional stress. Lavender essential oil can be used in aromatherapy and skin care products, and blends well with other essential oils to promote good health and mental well-being. so many benefits Relieves Stress and Anxiety — Its calming aroma makes it an excellent tonic for nerve and anxiety issues. It can be helpful in treating migraines, headaches, depression, nervous tension and emotional stress. It can remove nervous exhaustion and restlessness, while also
…making some noise in york county! NICA (National Interscholastic Cycling Association) was founded in 2009 to help high school mountain bike teams across the country get up and running. No one could predict the huge success it would become today. Currently there are high school cycling leagues in 18 states — some of which are expanding so fast they can hardly accommodate all the racers on the courses. The Pennsylvania Interscholastic Cycling League is a NICA Project League organized in 2014 with the goal to provide fun, safe, and competitive mountain biking opportunities for middle and high school students in the Commonwealth. Racing in Pennsylvania