…making some noise in york county!

NICA (National Interscholastic Cycling Association) was founded in 2009 to help high school mountain bike teams across the country get up and running. No one could predict the huge success it would become today. Currently there are high school cycling leagues in 18 states — some of which are expanding so fast they can hardly accommodate all the racers on the courses. The Pennsylvania Interscholastic Cycling League is a NICA Project League organized in 2014 with the goal to provide fun, safe, and competitive mountain biking opportunities for middle and high school students in the Commonwealth. Racing in Pennsylvania
began in the fall of 2016, and spans July to late October.
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In 2017, the York County Composite Cycling Team was set in motion
by four coaches, eleven team members and a whole lot of enthusiasm.

choosing a mascot & designing a logo

Nothing about the coaches who started this team is ordinary. They are intelligent, witty, resourceful folks who are avid (and skilled!) riders. So it’s no wonder our collaboration would result in a bodacious logo to represent the York County Composite Cycling inaugural team.

Rattlers? Yup! The team mascot is a rattlesnake.  Cool, right!?  But they’re simply going by “Rattlers” for a number of reasons.  1.) It’s easy to yell and cheer!  2.) “Radler” is German for cyclist  3.) Like all of us, rattlesnakes are wicked Pennsylvanians that like the trails, and  4.) The mountain bike wheel shape is similar to the mythical Ouroboros (a serpent which has many meanings, but one of “constant growth and evolution”.)
YCCC logo vertical black background
YCCC original rattlers shirt

If you or someone you know would like to get involved (team participants grades 7–12, assistant coaches, and sponsorships), please contact Patrick Hickey at yorkcompositecyclingclub@gmail.com.


does your business or organization need a logo design?